
Our shipping prices are based on the value of the items in your order and on the service level you choose. When calculating your total shipping time, please keep in mind that the day the package is shipped or picked up from our warehouse is not considered the first business day; start counting business days from first full day that the package is “in transit” to you.

Note: business days are Monday through Friday, excluding weekends and bank holidays.

Service Delivery Days
Free Shipping Within 5 - 7 Working Days
Priority (£1.99) Within 3 - 5 Working Days
2 - 3 Day (£9.99) Within 2 - 3 Working Days
1 Day (£14.99) Within 1 Working Day
Same Day Dispatch If ordered before 10 AM
Items shipping directly from the vendor / artist and items on backorder will take longer, and this difference is noted on the item page. We’ll let you know throughout the checkout process if you’ve chosen one of these items before you pay for your order.


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